제 4유형 : 출처표시 + 상업적 이용금지 + 변경금지

Paintings of Books, Chaekkori Exhibition
  • Date 2021-02-15
  • View 1913

From February 15(Mon) to April 9, NLK(Chief Executive Suh Hye-ran) and Korea Minhwa Association hold the Paintings of Books, Chaekkori Exhibition at the Exhibition Room on the first floor of the library. Chaekkkori refers to paintings of books and stationery that were popular in the late Joseon period (18~19th century).

▲ Art of books, 32 fancy and antique chaekkori paintings

▲ Explanation on the exhibition on Feb 25: detailed interpretation about the world of chaekkori

For the safety of our guests, guests are required to follow prevention measures including wearing a mask, checking temperature and hand disinfection before entering.
