International Cooperation

The National Library of Korea has conducted international cooperative activities and maintained close relationships with major libraries abroad. Specifically, it has been involved in exchanging materials, collecting deposit materials, providing Korea-related materials, joining international library organizations including the International Federation of Library Association and exchanging delegations, in accordance with Article 20(1)(f) of the Library Act, “Exchanges and Cooperation with Foreign Libraries.”

Library’s International Activities
Business Exchange with Overseas Libraries
  • Business exchange with major national libraries since 1997 to mutually share experiences and information
  • National Diet Library: Annually since 1997
  • National Library of China: Annually since 1997
  • Russian State Library: Biennially since 2007
  • National Library of Tunisia: In 2008 and 2010 (Including co-hosting of special exhibitions)
International Materials Exchange
  • The library collects rare materials such as government publications and information on the publishing market through exchange programs with internationally renowned libraries and academic research institutes. It also receives deposited publications from international bodies and provided them with local scholars’ surveys and research.
  • Exchange materials
  • The library exchanges government publications, periodicals from academic and research institutes, materials related to Korea and other materials.
  • 257 libraries from 91 countries
  • Exchange method
  • Ordinary exchange: The library exchanges resources with libraries under partnership on a selective basis from the list for potential exchanges.
  • Under a Korea-U.S. government publication exchange agreement
  • The library has bilaterally exchanged all government publications with the U.S. Library of Congress since 1966.
  • Under a resource exchange agreement with Japan’s National Diet Library
  • The library has sent domestically-published materials about Japan to Japan’s National Diet Library, and received Korea-related materials published in that country
  • Collection of deposit materials
  • International organization publications: FAO, ADB, UN, IFAD, OECD, ILO, ICAO, WMO, APO, UNWTO, WFP, UNEP, ICOMOS, ITTO, IMF, WIPO, APEC, IMO
  • Providing materials to overseas Korean Studies research institutions : 63 libraries from 21 countries
  • Supporting Korean Studies research by providing Korea-related materials to overseas Korean Studies research institutions and major libraries since 1995Quick Link
Cultural Partnership Program
  • Since 2006, the Library has launched the Training Program for librarians as part of a cultural partnership program for the countries in Asia, Africa or South America to spread Korean culture abroad and promote cultural exchanges. Through this program, four librarians, each from a different country, visit Korea, and receive on-site training at the Library and Korean language training for 14 weeks.
Table about Cultural Partnership Program
Year Cultural Partnership Program (51 persons from 23 countries)
2006 National Library of Laos, National Library of Mongolia, National Library of the Philippines, Library & Information Center in Hanoi National University(Vietnam)
2007 National Library of Myanmar, National Library of Vietnam, National Library of Uzbekistan, Library of Souphanovong University(Laos)
2008 National Library of Mongolia, National Library of Tunisia, National Library of the Philippines, Library of Kelaniya University(Sri Lanka)
2009 National Library of Nepal, National Library of Indonesia, National Library of Uzbekistan, The National Library Republic of Kazakhstan
2010 National Library of Bangladesh, National Library of Bhutan, National Library of Mongolia, National Academic Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan
2011 National Library of Vietnam, National Library of Iran, National Library of Indonesia, National Library of Pakistan
2012 Libary of Manila University(Philippines), Senate Library of Cambodia, University Library of ELTE(Hungary), Ulaanbaatar City Public Library(Mongolia)
2013 National Library of Vietnam, National Library of China, National Library of the Czech Republic, National Library of Thailand
2014 National Library of Bhutan, National Library of Indonesia, National Library of Tajikistan, National Library of Turkey
2015 National Library of Vietnam, National Library of Uzbekistan, Senate Library of Cambodia
2016 National Library of Myanmar, National Library of the Philippines, National Library of Thailand, National Academic Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan
2017 National Library of Uzbekistan, National Library of Mongolia, Ateneo de Manila University Rizal Libary(Philippines), University of social Sciences and Humanities Vietnam National University - Ho Chi Minh City(Vietnam)
2018 National Library of Tajikistan, Georgia Tbilisi State University Library, National Library of Sri Lanka, Library of Khesar Gyalpo University of Medical Sciences of Bhutan


National Library of Butan, National Library of Myanmar, Ateneo de Manila University Library, Senate Library of Cambodia


University of the Philippines Library, National Library of Vietnam, National Library of Mongolia, National Library of Thailand

Window on Korea
  • The National Library of Korea supports installation of Window on Korea program in overseas libraries in an effort to establish foundation for and increase understanding and interest in Korean history and culture.
  • Project: Window on Korea (WOK)
  • Target Institution: overseas libraries
  • Support: cost of facility equipment & Korean materials
  • Equipment: computers, chairs and desks, sign board
  • Installation: 1,500~2,000 volumes (items) of Korea-related materials per library in the first year, 200 volumes per year during the next 5 years, a total of 1,000

* Cost of facility equipment and number of books provided vary depending on institution circumstances.

Table about Window on Korea
No. Nation Institution Year
1 Vietnam National Library of Vietnam '07
2 Germany Free University of Berlin
3 U.S.A Queens Library at Flushing
4 Russia Russian State Library '08
5 Kazakhstan National Academic Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan '09
6 Poland Dolnoslaska Biblioteka Publiczna
7 Turkey  National Library of Turkey '10
8 Spain Biblioteca universitaria de la Universidad de Málaga '11
9 Belgium East-Asian Library, University of Leuven
10 Denmark University of Copenhagen(Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies)
11 Philippines Rizal Libary, Ateneo de Manila University '12
12 U.K. Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford
13 Mexico Library Daniel Cosio Villegas, The college of Mexico
14 Vietnam University of social Sciences and Humanities Vietnam National University - Ho Chi Minh City '13
15 Uzbekistan National Library of Uzbekistan '14
16 El Salvador University of El Salvador Library '15
17 China Peking University Library
18 Myanmar  Yangon University of Foreign Languages Library '16
19 Israel Bloomfield Library for the Humanities and Social Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem '17
20 Italy The Library of the Department of Oriental Studies, University of Rome "La Sapienza“ '18



National Library of Russia




ELTE University




National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan

24 Bangladesh
Independant University, Bangladesh '22

※ End of WOK operation(established year) : National Library of Thailand(‘07), Shanghai Changning Library(‘08), National Library of Mongolia(’08), National Library of indonesia(’09), National Library and Archives of Egypt(‘10), University of Delhi(’13), National Library of UAE(‘14), National Library of Iran('20) 

International Interlibrary Loan

Provide interlibrary loan and document delivery services in partnership with libraries and information service institutions overseas to promote the joint use of library information among the countries.

  • For overseas libraries: How to request materials published in Korea from abroad
  • Types of materials to request an Interlibrary loan: monographs and serials articles that are published/issued in Korea and are not available elsewhere.
  • Complete the International ILL & Document Delivery Service Form, and submit the form via email at
  • Processing time: one month
    ※ To avoid copyright infringement, copies can be made for less than 1/3 of the entire contents of a single item.
  • Fees
  • Copying fee = 5.00 USD for 10 pages or less (4.00 USD for each additional 10 pages)
  • International shipping fee = 3.00 USD (Basic charge)
    ※ Payments may only be made by cash(USD). Checks are not accepted.
  • For our library users in Korea: how to request materials published abroad from Korea
  • Types of materials to request an Interlibrary loan: Monographs and periodical articles that are not available in Korea
    ※ The availability of any requested material will have to be confirmed by the lending institution.
  • Complete the International ILL & Document Delivery Service Form, and submit the form via email at
  • Processing time: one to two months type.
    ※ Although laws vary by country, the contents can be copied partially due to copyrights.
    ※ Please note that copying materials from some countries is not permitted due to copyright laws.
  • Fees
  • Fees apply according to the lending institution’s policies.
  • Fees must be paid in advance, at the time when a request is made. Any difference in balance (excluding copying and loaning fees, international shipping fees and bank fees) will be refunded after the request is processed.
  • Contact
  • Collection Management & Service Division, National Library of Korea, 201 Banpo-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul 06579, Republic of Korea
  • Tel: (02)590-0586 / Fax: (02)590-0608 / E-Mail: