Rare Books of Korea (National Library of Korea Collection)

The following categories consist of materials and resources of National Library of Korea that are one-of-a-kind and noteworthy.
Rare documents that are of considerable value due to their extreme rarity so far and exceptional contents and systems have been chosen so that we can reflect on the prevailing sentiments and archival culture of Koreans and to promote the excellence and value of our cultural heritage.
Since its opening in 1945 up to present, National Library of Korea that has played a part in the development of knowledge & information,
has been trying to provide the opportunities for the general public to get easy access to the images and explanations of resources including rare and valuable documents through its collections and digital library.
The Rare Material Collection of National Library of Korea is divided into Antiquarian Books, Antiquarian Documents, Books, Documents, Serial Publications, Maps and National Treasures & Treasures, etc.