Economic Policy Materials of Korea
Major government agencies publish diagnostic reports, on a regular basis, in regard to the various economic indices that allow for an objective examination of the current economic issues of Korea. The indices included in these reports provide a chance for the users to objectively review the economic situation of Korea. The “Major Publications on Economy” section was created to show users different types of economy-related publications issued by the government and their contents so as to promote the utilization thereof.
An Economic white paperVIEW
Economic trendsVIEW
Employment and Work white paperVIEW
Trade white paperVIEW
Health and Welfare white paperVIEW
Fair-trade white paperVIEW
Report of Monetary PolicyVIEW
KDI Economic ViewVIEW
40year-history of Korean FinanceVIEW
Policy Priorities and Fiscal ManagementVIEW
National agenda for Open Market EconomyVIEW
Conception of national long-term development for 2000VIEW
Policy research casebook of 40th anniversary of KDI''s openingVIEW
National EconomyVIEW
Review of North-Korea EconomyVIEW