미국 국립문서기록관리청(NARA)
국립중앙도서관은 2004년부터 미국 국립문서기록관리청(NARA)이 소장하고 있는 한국 관련 기록 자료를 수집하여 근현대기 한반도의 정세와 주변국과의 관계 연구를 위한 1차 자료를 제공하고 있습니다.
미국 국립문서기록관리청(NARA)소장 자료 중 미 농무부(USDA) 해외농업국(FAS), 해외경제처 등의 민사 분야 문서, 전쟁정보국, 미 공군본부, 극동군 사령부 연합군 최고사령관 및 유엔사령부의 일제강점기와 한국전쟁 전후기 문서, 동남아시아 주둔 미군 문서철 중 베트남 전쟁 참전 한국군 관련 문서 등 군사 분야 문서와 제2차 세계대전과 한국전쟁 중 노획 수집한 노획문서컬렉션(National Archives Collection of Foreign Records Seized) 중 북한노획문서 등 2024년 말 총 3,317,302면을 수집하였습니다.
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- 미국의 각 행정부가 생산한 공문서들을 이관해 보존하고 있는 국가기관으로 1934년 설립.
- 1985년 미국 국립문서기록관리청법 44 U.S.C.2101에 의해 행정부 내 독립기관(Independent Agency)으로 설치 운영.
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문서군 리스트
번호 | RG번호 | 내용 |
1 | RG 12 | Records of the Office of Education, 1870 ~ 1979 |
2 | RG 16 | Records of the Office of the Secretary of Agriculture, 1839~1981 |
3 | RG 22 | Records of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1868~2005 |
4 | RG 51 | Records of the Office of Management and Budget, 1905~2002 |
5 | RG 52 | Records of the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, 1812~1975 |
6 | RG 56 | General Records of the Department of the Treasury, 1789~1990 |
7 | RG 59 | General Records of the Department of State, 1756~1999 |
8 | RG 81 | Records of the U.S. International Trade Commission, 1882~1971 |
9 | RG 82 | Records of the Federal Reserve System, 1913~1986 |
10 | RG 84 | Records of the Foreign Service Posts of the Department of State, 1788-1964 |
11 | RG 90 | Records of the Public Health Service, 1794~1969 |
12 | RG 92 | Records of the Office of the Quartermaster General, 1774~1985 |
13 | RG 111 | Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer, 1860~1982 |
14 | RG 112 | Records of the Office of the Surgeon Genera(Army)l, 1775~1970 |
15 | RG 127 | Records of the U.S. Marine Corps, 1775~9999 |
16 | RG 151 | Records of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, 1904~1963 |
17 | RG 153 | Records of the Office of the Judge Advocate General (Army), 1792~1981 |
18 | RG 160 | Records of U. S. Army Service Forces (World War II), 1939~1946 |
19 | RG 165 | Records of the War Department General and Special Staffs, 1860~1952 |
20 | RG 166 | Records of the Foreign Agricultural Service, 1901~1976 |
21 | RG 169 | Records of the Foreign Economic Administration, 1939~1947 |
22 | RG 175 | Records of the Chemical Warfare Service, 1917~1963 |
23 | RG 200 | National Archives Gift Collection |
24 | RG 208 | Records of the Office of War Information, 1926~1951 |
25 | RG 218 | Records of the U. S. Joint Chiefs of Staff |
26 | RG 226 | Records of the Office of Strategic Serives, 1919~1948 |
27 | RG 242 | National Archives Collection of Foreign Record Seized, 1675~1983 |
28 | RG 273 | Records of the National Security Council, 1947~1969 |
29 | RG 286 | Records of the Agency for International Development, 1948~2003 |
30 | RG 306 | Records of the U.S. Information Agency, 1900~1992 |
31 | RG 313 | Records of Naval Operating Forces, 1849~1980 |
32 | RG 319 | Records of the U.S. Army Staff, 1903~2006 |
33 | RG 336 | Records of the Office of the Chief of Transportation, 1917~1966 |
34 | RG 337 | Records of Headquarters Army Ground Forces, 1916~1954 |
35 | RG 338 | Record of U.S. Army Operational, Tactical, and Support Organizations |
36 | RG 341 | Records of Headquarters U.S. Air Force (Air Staff), 1934~1989 |
37 | RG 350 | Records of the Bureau of Insular Affairs, 1868~1945 |
38 | RG 371 | Records of the Defense Information Systems Agency, 1956~1970 |
39 | RG 377 | Records of the U.S. Travel and Tourism Administration, 1973~1979 |
40 | RG 389 | Records of the Office of the Provost Marshal General, 1920~1975 |
41 | RG 407 | Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1905–1981 |
42 | RG 428 | General Records of the Department of the NAVY, 1941~2004 |
43 | RG 469 | Records of U.S. Foreign Assistance Agencies, 1942~1961 |
44 | RG 472 | Records of the U.S. Forces in Southeast Asia, 1950-1976 |
45 | RG 476 | Records of the Bureau of Export Administration, 1938~1988 |
46 | RG 489 | Records of the International Trade Administration, 1910~1984 |
47 | RG 490 | Records of the Peace Corps, 1961~1991 |
48 | RG 550 | Records of U.S.Army, Pacific, 1945~1984 |
49 | RG 554 | Records of General Headquarters, Far East Command, Supreme Commander Allied Powers, and United Nations Command, 1945~1957 |