통합검색 영역

Press ‘Go to the service’ below to go to the menu offered on the Korean website.

  • Collection data search

    You can perform simple searches, advanced searches, and searches according to the holding institution.

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  • Directory search

    You can search the KORCIS collection by directory according to content format and literary genre.

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  • New collection catalog

    You can search the newly constructed KORCIS collection data catalog by content format and period.

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  • Subject Heading List

    You can search the KORCIS collection data by subject heading purpose standard of the National Library of Korea.

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  • Partner organization collection search

    You can search databases of external partner organizations such as KOLIS-NET, the e-Museum database of National Library of Korea, the database on the relics owned by Seoul Museum of History, and the data held by Jangseogak of the Academy of Korean Studies.

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  • People search

    You can find detailed information on people in connection with the official website of the Encyclopedia of Korean Culture.

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