01320cam a2200337 a 4500001001300000005001500013007000300028008004100031020003200072020003200104020003200136020003200168020003200200020003200232049004600264052002200310082001500332100004000347245005900387250001200446260005000458300002600508504005200534505017600586650001900762650002800781740005100809740004900860740004500909950002800954WMO20130590520240514144933ta121121s2012 us a 001 eng  a9781107031173 (hbk. : v. 1) a9781107635975 (pbk. : v. 1) a9781107670648 (pbk. : v. 2) a9781107031180 (hbk. : v. 2) a9781107028654 (hbk. : v. 3) a9781107655478 (pbk. : v. 3)0 lWM740753v1lWM1102602v2lWM740754v3fW02a306.09b13-2c1-301a306.092211 aMann, Michael,d1942-0KAC20051091111a(The) sources of social power.nv. 1-3 /dMichael Mann aNew ed. aNew York :bCambridge University Press,c2012 a3 v. :bill. ;c24 cm aIncludes bibliographical references and indexes10nv. 1.t(A) history of power from the beginning to AD 1760 --nv. 2.t(The) rise of classes and nation-states, 1760-1914 --nv. 3.tGlobal empires and revolution, 1890-1945 0aSocial history 0aPower (Social sciences)02aHistory of power from the beginning to AD 176002aRise of classes and nation-states, 1760-191402aGlobal empires and revolution, 1890-19450 bUS$216.63c(3 v. price)